welcome to Education Helper today our post is on the topic of political theory. Within this we shall cover for primary topics
first what is politics theorizing
second definition of political theory
third aspects of political theory
and fourth nature of political theory
all right before we start with the first subsection that has first looked into
what is the subject matter of political theory - what is it all about
Well the ethical theory is an integral part of political science. It helps us better in understanding the concepts, that have shaped .Our politics it also supplies us with ideas concepts and theories for purpose of analysis description explanation criticism and also try to remove their deficiencies which are incorporated in political science let us begin with the first section
what is politics theorizing
To understand the meaning of political theory one has to first understand the meaning of both political and theory separately theory this is a
Greek word relating to two other words
first word astoria meaning the activity to understand.
whatever is happening around us
second word is theorem which is the outcome obtained by the above activity of theorizing.
For example in case a tourist is dissatisfied with the incomplete knowledge and he wants to understand it in a detailed manner and on logical level this starts the process of theorizing true discovery research or investigation as a result of theorization
the conclusion that is the theorem will make us understand an incident in a better manner on to the next word politics like Curie.
politics is also a Greek word which has evolved from
the word polis which is called a city state. where the community is the date decision for all the perspectives of the good life of our community
Moving on to our second section definition of political theory having classified the meaning of two words political and theory.
we now try to understand the term political theory through some definitions
George Servine explains in his celebrated work that political theory is anything about politics or relevant politics in a narrow sense. He also called it the discipline investigation of political problems.
second thinker is David he defines political theory as a network of concepts and generalizations about political life involving ideas and statements about the nature.
purpose and key features of government state and society and about the political capabilities of human beings Blum defines political theory as a general understanding of the political world a frame of reference without one.
we should be unable to recognize an event as political decide anything about. why it happened George whether, it was good or bad or decide that it. what was likely to happen , where is bridged while explaining the meaning of political theory emphasizes that it is the function of the political theorist to see sooner than others to analyze more profoundly than others the immediate and potential problems of the political life or Society to supply the practical politicians with alternative causes of action the foreseeable consequences of which have been fully thought through to supply him not only with brilliant ideas but with a solid block of knowledge on which to build on the basis of the above definitions we can identify some of the aspects of political theory which forms our third section first it is about the realm of politics only political life of the citizen his political behavior his political ideas the government that he seeks to establish and the tasks expected from such a government it seeks to evaluate explain and predict political phenomena it attempts to understand political in relation to social economic moral and the like it seeks to build a good state and a good society that is historically tested and rationally a team moving on our fourth section is the nature of political theory under this we have political theory as history political theory without history is a structure without a base political theory is history in the sense that it seeks to understand the time place and the circumstances